Citizen Science & Research

CHEN carries research to identifying environmental values and issues within Catchment and bring them to the attention of the community, land managers and decision makers across the area.”

Research such as wildlife monitoring and water quality testing are ways of identifying environmental values and issues within Catchment. This is done in an effort to change behaviours, minimize negative impacts and to improve long term planning.

Interested in being involved? Maybe you have you got an idea for a project? Come to our next meeting, the first Thursday if every month at Annagrove Community Center, Currie Lane or Contact us, we would love to hear from you! 



What is Citizen Science? Find out here!

Some example of Citizen Science that you can get involved in are below.


Streamwatch is a citizen science water monitoring program that enables community groups to monitor the quality and health of local waterways.  By engaging in the ecological investigation of local waterways, Streamwatch acts as an early warning system for pollution events, while the data provides a valuable record of waterway health.  Currently it is managed by Greater Sydney Landcare Network.

Cattai Hills Environment Network (CHEN) manages two Streamwatch sites located in the local catchment.

Trained volunteers undertake monthly monitoring, checking water quality by recording a range of measures including temperature, pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, available phosphate and dissolved oxygen.

Observations of visible pollution, wildlife present, odour, etc. are also recorded.  At our local sites we have observed a range of wildlife including wallabies, deer, foxes and a number of different birds.

Results are recorded online into the Streamwatch Database.

Fred Catterson teams up with Streamwatch



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