What we do

Environmental Activities for Schools

CHEN provides environmental education activities/presentations and programs for schools. Find out more Environmental Activities for Schools.

Education For Kids

Working with kids and schools of all ages to help them learn about the environment, nature, science and more!


With the development and support of Landcare and other environmental community groups in each sub-catchment, we are encouraging conservation across the Cattai catchment. Find out more about what we are working on here.



Activism & Sustainability

We are building strength through the fostering of cooperation within CHEN and the local communities in order to advocate for more sustainable land management practices across the Catchment, including sustainable development. Find out more or get involved here.


Citizen Science & Research

CHEN carries research to identifying environmental values and issues within Catchment and bring them to the attention of the community, land managers and decision makers across the area. Find out what we are doing here.




Make your project happen!

Interested in being involved?Maybe you have you got an idea for a project? Come to our next meeting, the first Thursday if every month at Annagrove Community Center, Currie Lane or Contact us, we would love to hear from you!